As we work to fully launch Conscious Eats, we are in awe of all the support that is coming our way. We have been very generously supported by so many gracious members of our community.
Time, talent and treasure have all been flowing our way in support of creating a social enterprise that will employ those who need a second chance and are diligently proving themselves worthy of a second chance.
We are learning so much about creativity, compassion and diligence to name a few. We are working on a very tight budget to get Conscious Eats up and running. We are creating a catering company that will bring healthy delicious food to your office or home. We bring tasting experiences that not only are healthy, they educate and inspire exploration.
Seeing our team use every ounce of their creativity to create a brand and a product that stands for the six pillars of character, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring fairness and citizenship has shown me a whole new perspective on brand and mission development.
As we continue to grow and evolve, I will work to give you a peek behind the scenes.
We invite you to join in the conversation and as you do we hope you will join us around the table!