Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ethics Coalition Meeting Schedule

These highly interactive sessions will each have several speakers, including YOU to share insights and personal experiences.  Our goal is to create a supportive space that we can all grow and evolve ethically.  

Meetings held at:
Perdue Inc.
5 W. Forsyth St. Suite 100, Jacksonville, FL 32202 

Thursdays - 7:30-9:00 am

June 14, 2012  |  Building a Socially Responsible Brand - Register NOW
This month we will explore the elements that must be considered to consciously build a brand that is socially responsible in all aspects of it's dealings. Organizations that are emotionally and socially intelligent are at the leading edge of innovation. You will learn several techniques to explore your personal social intelligence in relationship to your work.

Come join others who are seeking a deeper understanding of social responsibility and are willing to take themselves and organizations the next level. 

We will discuss:
• Aspects of social responsibility
• How emotional and social intelligence affect strategic development
• How social consciousness influences business growth and brand development
• Explore the Ethical Decision Making process to understand the ramifications of decisions.

July 19, 2012  |  Freedom & Fairness
What is freedom? How do we define fairness. These complex topics affect day to day decisions we all face. How organizations decide what is fair, affects all aspects of business, from pricing, to salaries, to business growth. We will examine the many ways to look at a decision to enable a holistic examination.

We have openings for speakers if you would like to share on the topic!

July 19, 2012  |  Freedom & Fairness

August 16, 2012  |  Caring Brands Inspire

September 13, 2012  |  Citizenship: Each Voice Matters!

October 18, 2012  |  Trustworthiness in Advertising

November 15, 2012  |  Creating Respectful Traditions

December 15, 2012  |  Responsible Business Planning

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Are You Standing For?

I am currently working on an initiative that has forced me to look at what I really believe in and stand for. What a blessing this turmoil has given me.

I am working on a social justice initiative with a team of other passionate people. The team has made some decisions I cannot support. I had to come to a place that I either would stay and support methods and philosophies that were not in alignment to what I believe or walk away. I prayed, I wrote, I talked, I DECIDED to stand for what I believe in and if I needed to walk away I was prepared for that.

As I worked through this decision, a fellow coach asked me that question. "What are you standing for?" It gave me the ability to voice what I needed to and to feel the conviction of my beliefs. It was a very powerful and life changing moment. I knew what I needed to do and felt assured that I would be proud of myself for standing for what I know to be right.

As I shared my beliefs with some of the team members, I could feel my spirit soaring. I knew that I had made the right decision to speak and be heard. The team shifted some thinking and we are ale to move forward to create a solution we can all live with. I know that this only was possible because I was willing to have my voice heard and to stand for something I believe in.

What do you need to stand for today???

Monday, August 8, 2011

New BOARD Members: Chesnut & Orange!

Chesnut and Orange? No, not our newest produce but, yes, the names of two great men who have agreed to support our organization. We are proud to announce we have two new additions to our Board of Directors - Scotty Chesnut and Doug Orange.

Each brings a passion for community development and are seen in our city as evokotive of what it means to live a life of character.

Scotty Chesnut has been serving his community since he was a kid.

Scotty's Life’s Mission Statement:  My Goal in life is to freely give of my time and talents so that I may enrich the lives of others. When you serve others you serve the Lord.

His ongoing service included a Presidency of the Beaches Republican Party and Chairmanship of the Code Enforcement Board.

He is currently an active member of the Jacksonville Beaches community. Scotty serves on the City of Jacksonville Beach Board of Adjustments and is considering another run at a position on the City Council.

His background in civic organizations will surely be an asset to the CC! in Jax Board!

Doug Orange has insights that are based on the realities of the street. As a former homeless person, Doug's views on outreach and social justice are inspired by the truths of his experiences.

His tenacious spirit and sense of humor have helped him to transform his life into one of service and compassion. He has served on several Boards including, the Florida State Coalition for the Homeless, I. M. Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless and Founder of Empowerment First, a non-profit that was focused on giving voice to those who are struggling to create new lives.

He is currently Outreach and Housing Specialist, at the Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless and is a sought after speaker on the topic of homelessness. His insights are sought by several Coalitions including the Emergency Services & Homeless Coalition of Jacksonville and the Washington based National Alliance to End Homelessness.

We look forward to leveraging Doug's unique perspective as we continue to create outreach programs and social enterprises. His spark and sense of humor will be an added joy!


The Character Counts! in Jacksonville is the organinzing force behind the CC!INJAX Ethics Coalition, the FOR GOOD social enterprises and several experiential social outreach initiatives.

We educate, celebrate and create based on the 6 Pillars of Character Counts! which were created by the Josephson Institute, the founders of Character Counts! nationally.

CC! in JAX has been working to create a character based community since 1997.
We work to bring Character to life in unique and innovative ways by creating experiences that engage the participants to have their voices heard. We endeavor to create a sense of accountability and empowerment for all our members.

Jacksonville Sherriff’s Office
Jacksonville Re-Entry Center
City Rescue Mission
Jacksonville Teen Court
Jacksonville Ethics Commission

Hunter and Associates
Perdue Office Systems
Haynes, Peters & Bond/GHG Insurance
VIP Presentation Products

Ethics Coalition

The Character Counts! in Jacksonville Ethics Coaliton is a group of like minded individuals and organizations who are committed to creating a more ethical community.

Our mission is to create a more ethical community based on
character BY:
• delivering character and ethics education
• fostering meaningful ethics based conversations and experiences
• creating accountability partners
• developing social enterprises rooted in character

Coalition membership is achieved by participating in a character and ethics training session. This training is delivered via a workshop setting to groups and organizations. A monthly session is held for small groups and individuals.

Individuals $159
3+ from same organization $129 each
Pricing for custom on-site sessions are available for large organizations

Annual Membership Renewals
Individuals: $59
Organizations: $99

Membership Benefits

• Free attendance at Monthly Breakfast Sessions
• Three Hour Character and Ethics Training Session
• Member Listing on CC! Website
• Intro Personal Profile in Monthly newsletter and Blog
• Discounted admission to retreats and events
• Usage of Coalition mark on your website and promo materials

ONE time Character & Ethics Training Details
• Fourth Monday each Month
• 3 hour highly interactive session

In the session you will:
• Explore the 6 Pillars of Character.
• Learn the CC! Ethical Decision Making Process
• Discover how the Pilars of Character can support your business and brand development
• Experience the power of story telling & how it supports business evolution

Monthly Member Breakfast Sessions
Second Monday each Month
The Coaltion meets on a monthly basis for breakfast, created to foster meaningful
dialogue about real and current character and ethics issues we all face. The sessions are highly interactive and will be different each month. A featured speaker will share an ethical dilema and how they dealt with it. As a group we will explore the elements of ethical dilemmas and how they influence our individual and organizational values.
Visitors are welcome 2x per year.

Meetings held at:
Perdue Offfice Systems
5 W. Forsyth St. Suite 100, Jacksonville, FL 32202  Tel. 904.737.5858

Becoming a CC! in JAX Sponsor

CC! in JAX views itself as a social force. We are working to shift the non-profit model to one of sustainability. We believe your investment into Character Counts! should give you a tangible return on your investment.

Silver     $2500
• Private Character and Ethics training for organizations staff
• Membership into the Ethics Coalition with all member benefits
• Company mark on event signage and promotional materials
• Verbal recognition at each event

Gold  $5000       Above PLUS
• A yearly company profile to be published on CC! social media outlets and newsletter
• Yearly opportunity to be a speaker at Monthly Breakfast
• 2 tickets to Annual Golden Rule Awards event
• Ability to Nominate for the Golden Rule award
• Opportunity to create a create a custom training event for your team

Platinum  $7500         Above PLUS
• Yearly Character Counts! Staff recognition awards ceremony
• 4 tickets to Annual Golden Rule Awards event
• Participation on the Golden Rule Award Selection team
• Copy of Making Ethical Decisions by Michael Josephson
• Copy of Good Ideas for Creating a More Ethical and Effective Workplace by Steven R. Nish

Our current sponsors include:

Board of Directors


Board of Directors
President - Lewis Hunter

Suzanne Connors Catto
Harrison Conyers
Ed Randal
Claire Clark
Emerson Wright
Ed Killion

Advisory Board
Sheriff John Rutherford

Executive Director
Florence Haridan